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A Simple and Profound Call to Live Like Jesus by: Floyd McClung Isn’t it time to stop asking, “What would Jesus do?” and start asking, “What is Jesus doing now?” Follow is a real-life guide to discipleship the Jesus way. Here Floyd McClung tells how he traded a life of religion for a life of relationship with Jesus a relationship that led him to form communities of Christian disciples around the world. Taking the Gospels at face value leads Floyd to define a radical strategy for discipling new believers while strengthening our own devotional lives. He details practical ideas for forming discipleship groups that reflect Jesus’s principles of accountability, transparency, humility, and outreach. Through it all, Floyd emphasizes the importance of following Jesus personally rather than adhering to ineffective rules or traditions. With stories and scriptural principles, Floyd McClung leads us through the liberating process of changing the focus of our lives from ourselves to Jesus so we can do life the way Jesus did and experience a richer spiritual life than we’ve ever known.



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Floyd McClung has been a missional leader and church planter in Afghanistan and Amsterdam, America and Africa. He is the author of numerous books, including The Father Heart of God. His books which have sold over one million copies and been translated into over thirty languages have inspired generations around the world. McClung and his wife Sally live in Cape Town, South Africa.

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