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by: Wayne Cordeiro Does your cup runneth over, or is life running you over? Here are practical steps to building internal values and perspectives that will change your life! Embedded in God’s Word are the keys to abundant living, and Hawaiian pastor Wayne Cordeiro guides you through those keys with humor and insight. This book will show you the common mistakes people make without realizing it; what seperates successful people from unsuccessful ones; how to see people as God does; and how to change the way you think. You are just an attitude away from a fantastic life.


God’s Strategy for Overcoming The Enemy by: Joe Wasmond & Rich Miller War is Here. Are You Prepared to Win? Every day you spend on planet Earth is a day in a spiritual war zone. In this dynamic basic training, Freedom in Christ president Joe Wasmond and Rich Miller use Joe’s experiences as a helicopter pilot in Vietnam to show you what spiritual warfare is, what the Bible says about getting ready and how you can win by executing God’s strategy. Enemy Attack : God can’t be trusted. Your Battle Plan : Know that God is good wants the best for you and every human being. Enemy Attack : You’re nothing but a sinner who happens to be going to heaven. Your Battle Plan : Grasp that you are God’s child and that the father loves, like and accepts you in the same way He loves His Son, Jesus. Enemy Attacks : The situation is hopeless for you and everyone else on planet earth. Your Battle Plan : Help set people free who are captives of sin and the enemy by serving with others under Christ’s authority and staying in contact with your Father through prayer. Properly outfitted, you’ll see your morale boosted, your marriage and family protected, and your mind and emotion renewed. Best of all, you’ll find true significance as an active participant in the Commander in Chief’s master plan.


The Secret of Receiving What You Need from God by: Jim Cymbala Break Through! … to prayer that God answers Do you long to break through your limitations to a life transformed by God? Breakthrough Prayer helps you connect with God’s heart and obtain answers to your prayers. Jim Cymbala, pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle—a church built on prayer—explains the principles of faith-filled, mountain-moving prayer that can transform circumstances, change lives, and draw you closer to God than you’ve ever imagined. From the Book Meet three who discovered the power of “breakthrough prayer.” “My husband and I had a dream of helping desperate young women. But no banker in his right mind would finance such a venture. So we prayed and God broke through every single obstacle we faced. That was just the beginning of the wonderful roller-coaster ride we call ‘faith.’” —Grace (chapter 7) “Voices inside my head were constantly screaming at me. I became like an animal in the street, muttering or yelling out a stream of profanity as people passed by. One day I screamed out, Jesus, help me! O God, you’re my only hope! That was the breakthrough prayer that saved my life.” —Danny (chapter 2) “Talk about breakthrough prayer! I was buried under 110 stories of steel and concrete after the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers when God heard my cry for help.” —Genelle (chapter 3)

Calling christian leaders

John Stott found on his many travels that contemporary models of Christian leadership were often shaped more by culture than by Christ. In stark contrast, he urges that our view be determined by our view of the church, not the other way round. Focusing on 1 Corinthians 1 – 4, he demonstrates the centrality of the theme of ‘power through weakness’. He explains the role of the Holy Spirit in God’s revelation, and examines four of Paul’s most striking models of ministry, each of which is an aspect of humility. Over against seductive styles of leadership being advocated by the wisdom of the world, he urges Christian leaders to be characterized above all else by ‘the meekness and gentleness of Christ’.


by: Ravi Zacharias In this brilliant and compelling defense of the Christian faith, Ravi Zacharias shows how affirming the reality of God’s existence matters urgently in our everyday lives. According to Zacharias, how you answer the questions of God’s existence will impact your relationship with others, your commitment to integrity, your attitude toward morality, and your perception of truth.


Rethinking Our Conversations With Our Master by: Bob Sjogren & Gerald Robison Cats and dogs respond differently to their masters’s care. While the dog thinks “You must be God!” the cat thinks “I must be God!” When we first become believers, we still have a natural tendency to be self-centered, especially in how we pray. As a result, many Christians prayers that are more of a laundry list of “all about me” requests. Because God doesn’t answer these kinds of prayer, we tend to give up on praying believing that God doesn’t answer prayer. As a result, we end up checking in from time to time making sure he knows we’re there and reminding him of our needs hoping he’ll do something about them. will help move you from self-centered prayers to God-focused prayers. You’ll learn how to pray, as the authors show: This book will change the way you pray. It is a natural outflow of also written by Bob and Gerald.


by: Bob Sjogren & Gerald Robison There’s a joke about cats and dogs that conveys their differences perfectly- A dog says, “You pet me, you feed me, you shelter me, you love me, you must be God.” A cat says, “You pet me, you shelter me, you love me, I must be God.” These God given traits of cats (“You exist to serve me”) and dogs (“I exist to serve you”) are often similar to the theological attitudes we have in our view of God and our relationship to him. Using the differences between cats and dogs in a light-handed manner, the authors compel us to challenge our thinking in deep and profound ways. As you are drawn toward God and the desire to reflect His glory in your life, you will worship, view missions, and pray in a whole new way. This life-changing book will give you a new perspective a nd vision for God as you delight in the God who delights in you.


The Path To Spiritual Growth by: Richard Foster Arguably the most established contemporary spiritual classic by our most profound living religious writer. This timeless classic has helped well over a million people discover a richer spiritual life infused with joy, peace and a deeper understanding of God. The book explores the ‘classic disciplines’ of Christian faith: the inward disciplines of meditation, prayer, fasting, and study; the outward disciplines of simplicity, solitude, submission and service and the corporate disciplines of confession, worship, guidance and celebration.


by: Mike Breen Are You Ready To Stop Letting Life Just Happen To You? The key events of your life unlock the secrets God wants you to learn. Everyday, each of us experience opportunities that we can either choose to ignore or choose to learn and grow from. These significant or kairos moments were intended by God to be powerful life altering events.’ The Life Shapes Circle: Choosing To Learn From Life will help you reconize and respond to these” Learning moments” in a healthy and complete way. It’s time to stop letting life just happen, learn the principles that can lead to unimaginable spiritual growth. When you star Choosing To Learn From Life you start living the way Jesus taught his disciples to live!

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